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Professional Lactation Consulting in Colorado Springs

Why would a family need lactation consulting?

When a family brings home a new baby, they may face a range of challenges when it comes to breastfeeding. These can include difficulty with latching, insufficient milk production, sore or cracked nipples, or a baby who is struggling to gain weight. These issues can be incredibly stressful for new mothers, and can make the early days of motherhood feel overwhelming. This is where a lactation consultant can be an invaluable resource.

Lactation consultants are trained professionals who specialize in providing guidance and support to new mothers who are breastfeeding. They can help mothers establish a strong and successful breastfeeding relationship with their baby, which can lead to numerous health benefits for both mother and child. For example, breast milk contains antibodies and other important nutrients that can help protect babies from infections and illnesses. Breastfeeding can also help mothers recover more quickly from childbirth and may reduce their risk of certain health conditions, such as breast cancer and osteoporosis.

In addition to these health benefits, lactation consulting can also help new mothers navigate any challenges they may face while breastfeeding. This can include issues like pain or discomfort during feeding, difficulty with latching, or concerns about their baby's weight gain. A lactation consultant can provide personalized advice and guidance to help mothers overcome these obstacles and establish a comfortable and enjoyable breastfeeding routine.

Overall, lactation consulting is an essential service for new mothers and their families. It can provide the support and guidance needed to establish a successful and rewarding breastfeeding relationship, which can have lasting benefits for both mother and baby. Whether a family is experiencing challenges with breastfeeding or simply wants to ensure that they are providing the best possible nutrition for their baby, a lactation consultant can be an invaluable resource.

Some reasons a family may need a consult...

Difficulty Latching

One of the most common challenges faced by new mothers is getting their baby to latch properly. Lactation consultants can help by providing guidance on different breastfeeding positions and techniques to help the baby latch more easily.

Low Milk Supply

If a mother is struggling to produce enough milk to meet her baby's needs, lactation consultants can offer strategies to increase milk production, such as pumping and nursing more frequently on a specific schedule that will work for them.

Painful Nursing

Nursing should not be painful. If a mother is experiencing discomfort or pain while breastfeeding, lactation consultants can assess the baby's latch and positioning to determine the cause of the discomfort and offer solutions.

Premature birth or medical issues

Babies who are born prematurely or have medical issues may need special attention when it comes to breastfeeding. Lactation consultants can offer guidance and support to help these babies receive the nutrition they need.


When it's time to wean a baby from breastfeeding, a lactation consultant can offer advice on how to do so gradually and comfortably for both the mother and the baby.

Lactation Consulting Pricing (w/o Body Work)

If you are unsure of which type of consult you need, please text/email us.

Follow Up Consult


This visit typically lasts one hour, but if you feel like you need more time, please let us know and we can make arrangements. This visit can be used to reassess any issues we discussed at the initial consultation, develop a change in your personalized plan, or assess baby's progress. This is also perfect for the family who just has a simple question regarding themselves or their baby. This can be done in our Rockrimmon office or virtually. Option to include chiropractic care with your follow up.

Initial Consult


An assessment of your breastfeeding needs as well as a personalized care plan for uncomplicated issues for you and your baby. This includes guidance to achieve a comfortable latch, optimal feeding positions, optimal infant output parameters and more. We will also discuss methods to establish and maintain a human milk supply. If needed, we can discuss with employed parents regarding selection of a breast pump and maintaining milk supply/breastmilk storage when going back to work. This visit will be at either our Rockrimmon office or virtually.

Virtual Follow Up


This visit typically lasts one hour, but if you feel like you need more time, please let us know and we can make arrangements. This visit can be used to reassess any issues we discussed at the initial consultation, develop a change in your personalized plan, or assess baby's progress. This is also perfect for the family who just has a simple question regarding themselves or their baby. This option is entirely virtual, done either through video chat or phone call.

Meet Dr. Ashley!

Dr. Ashley Vrcic, DC, CACCP, IBCLC

is a Certified Pediatric chiropractor as well as certified in the Webster Technique by the ICPA. She also holds her Perinatal Certification through the ICPA for the care of women before, during, and after pregnancy. She spends most of her time seeing chiropractic patients, but is also an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). She incorporates lactation consulting into her chiropractic work, making our office the ideal location for you and your baby if tension is at the root of your breastfeeding issues. She is also trained in seeing babies for pre and post op body work before and after a tongue or lip tie revision. Dr. Ashley also sees families who are not under chiropractic care or are receiving body work elsewhere. Her goal is to be as supportive in your care as possible.

Dr. Ashley is the owner of Babies & Bellies Family Chiropractic, First Steps Wellness Collective, and Blooming Babies Lactation Co. All three of her businesses were created with you and your baby in mind.

Read more about our lactation clinic here.

Lactation + Chiropractic Pricing

Follow Up Lactation + Chiropractic


This visit typically lasts one hour, but if you feel like you need more time, please let us know and we can make arrangements. This visit can be used to reassess any issues we discussed at the initial consultation, develop a change in your personalized plan, or assess baby's progress. Dr. Ashley will also provide a chiropractic adjustment and any other needed body work at this visit. This can be done in our Rockrimmon office. 

Initial Lactation + Chiropractic


As a chiropractor as well as an IBCLC, Dr. Ashley strives to help mothers and babies achieve successful breastfeeding. She utilizes a variety of methods to help relieve tension, increase comfort and promote successful breastfeeding. Her approach combines chiropractic, massage and lactation services to ensure the best possible outcome for mothers and their babies. This service is even more so helpful for parents who are thinking about oral tie revision and need pre/post op body work + lactation care. These visits can be at our Rockrimmon office.




Weighted feeding is performed by measuring your baby pre and post feeding. The goal of the weighted feeding is to determine how much breastmilk your baby takes during one breastfeeding session. The baby will be weighed in a clean, dry diaper to ensure accuracy in the event that they void or stool during the feeding. Our hospital grade scale is accurate down to the gram and provides you with peace of mind to ensure your baby is gaining weight and properly transferring breast milk.

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