Now Accepting New Patients


Now Accepting New Patients

Our Pricing

We strive to make our pricing affordable for families to receive regular chiropractic care!

Insurance: We are NOT in network with any insurance company. All pricing is cash based.

We do not provide discounts for child visits, but we do provide discounts for each additional member attending (adult or child).


New Patient Examination & Treatment: $95

Follow Up Adjustment (Less than 6 Months Since Last Visit): $65

More than 6 Months Since Last Visit: $80

* see details about pricing for more than 1 person below

1 Person

Pricing for One Person


Initial Visit for 1 (First Visit): $95

Pay as You Go - Per Follow Up Visit: $65/visit


Weekly Visits: $175/mo (3 mo required)

Biweekly Visits: $115/mo (3 mo required)

1 Visit Per Month: $50/mo (3 mo required)

Unlimited: $200/mo (3 mo required)

PACKAGES (in house financing available):

12 Prepaid Visits: $702

24 Prepaid Visits: $1,326

36 Prepaid Visits: $1,872

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1 Adult + 1 Child (or 2 Total Members)

Pricing for One Adult + One Child


Initial Visit for 2 (First Visit): $180.50

Pay as You Go - Per Follow Up Visit: $115/visit


Weekly Visits: $330/mo (3 mo required)

Biweekly Visits: $225/mo (3 mo required)

1 Visit Per Month: $100/mo (3 mo required)

Unlimited: $300/mo (3 mo required)

PACKAGES (in house financing available): 

12 Prepaid Visits: $702

24 Prepaid Visits: $1,326

36 Prepaid Visits: $1,872

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2 Adults + 1 Child (or 3 Total Members)

Pricing for Two Adults + One Child



Initial Visit For 3 (First Visit): $256.50

Pay as You Go - Per Follow Up Visit: $162/visit


1 Visit Per Month: $150/mo (3 mo required)

Unlimited Family: $500/mo (3 mo required)

PACKAGE VISITS (in house financing available): 

36 Visits for a Family of 3: $1,800 ($50/person per adjustment)

OR 4 Payments of $450

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2 Adults + 2 Children (or 4 Total Members)

Pricing for Two Adults + Two Children



Initial Visit For 4 (First Visit): $323

Pay as You Go - Per Follow Up Visit: $204/visit


1 Visit Per Month: $200/mo (3 mo required)

Unlimited Family: $500/mo (3 mo required)

*all 4 members must be present at each visit

PACKAGE VISITS (in house financing available): 

36 Visits for the Family of 4: $1,728 ($48 per person per visit)

OR 4 Payments of $432

*all 4 members must be present at each visit

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Membership regulations: 3 month commitment required. Cannot be shared with family members. Any visits outside of your monthly 'allowance' will be charged at $60 per visit. A card on file is required. 30 day notice required to cancel. Visits do not roll over to the next month. Membership pauses limited to 3 weeks per year.

Initial Exam & Treatment

Initial Examination & Treatment (First Time Visit). Subsequent family members receive a % off their first visit.



Required re-examination if it has been longer than 6 mo since last visit.



Follow up chiropractic adjustment, for current patients, regardless of age (not including package discounts). 


Phone Consult

This is a discovery call for a new patient who would have a few questions.


Food Sensitivity Testing

Food Sensitivity Testing to find out what foods you or your baby should be avoiding.


Full Testing

Full body spectrum testing including food sensitivities, presence of toxins, hormone levels, what remedies your body needs, and more.


Packages can be shared amongst family members.

Pricing FAQ

At Babies & Bellies Family Chiropractic, we value wellness care. We have created a pricing structure that allows care for all budgets. We do not take insurance which allows for your visit to be all inclusive. 

We are a fee for service office. This means we collect payment at the time of service. We accept cash, checks, credit/debit card, HSA/FSA card. Medicare/Medicaid Patients: We are not participating providers with Medicare or Medicaid. We do not accept this as a form of payment.

We Do Not Take Insurance

We do not process insurance in-house and we are not in-network providers with any health insurance plan at this time. However, we are able to provide you with a printed statement including procedural and diagnosis codes for you to submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement, at their discretion. Our adjustment fees are often consistent with regular insurance co-payments.

Cash Pricing

Our goal is to allow everyone to experience the benefits of chiropractic care regardless of their financial situation. Many patients choose this option because often times, our cash pricing is more affordable than insurance co-pays. Most patients discover chiropractic care can be very affordable. For these patients, chiropractic care is cheaper than alternative pain treatments such as pain medications and invasive surgeries. We offer monthly membership plans where sometimes visits cost as much as a lunch out!

Family Plans

We love taking care of families! We can create customized family plans specific to your needs. We have monthly plans and discounted packages available specifically for families. We offer discounts for subsequent family members on their first visit. All packages can be shared amongst families. Our pricing per adjustment is the same for each person in your family, regardless of age. We acquire additional training in the care of your little ones to keep them safe and provide the most effective adjustments, so we do not offer discounts on child adjustments. 

Good Faith Estimate

You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your care may cost. Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for items and services. You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like tests, supplements, equipment, and fees. Make sure your health care provider gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least 1 business day before your medical service or item. You can also ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an item or service. If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill. Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate. For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit

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