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Prenatal & Postpartum

Massage Therapy

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Meet Jade, a passionate massage therapist specializing in prenatal massage. Following the birth of her daughter, her appreciation for prenatal massage deepened, fueling her dedication to the practice. A proud Colorado native, she cherishes family moments with her husband, daughter, and their furry companions.

Jade Greene

Licensed Massage Therapist

Prenatal & Postpartum Specialist 

Benefits of Prenatal Massage Therapy

Prenatal massage therapy offers a multitude of benefits for expectant mothers, fostering both physical and emotional well-being during pregnancy. Firstly, it can alleviate common discomforts such as lower back pain, swelling, and joint stiffness, providing much-needed relief as the body undergoes significant changes. Additionally, prenatal massage promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels by releasing endorphins, thus potentially improving sleep quality and mood regulation. Through gentle manipulation of muscles and tissues, it also enhances circulation, which can aid in reducing edema and promoting healthier blood flow for both mother and baby. Furthermore, the nurturing touch involved in prenatal massage fosters a sense of connection and bonding between the mother and her unborn child, promoting a positive prenatal experience overall. Overall, prenatal massage therapy serves as a valuable tool in supporting maternal health and well-being throughout the journey of pregnancy.

Promote relaxation

Reduce stress levels, improve sleep

Improve circulation

Improving connection and bonding for mom & baby

Our massage therapist in Colorado Springs is adept at providing specialized care tailored to the unique needs of prenatal patients. With a deep understanding of pregnancy-related discomforts and concerns, our therapist employs gentle yet effective techniques to alleviate issues such as lower back pain, swelling, and muscle tension. Through personalized sessions, they focus on promoting relaxation, reducing stress levels, and enhancing overall well-being for expectant mothers. Additionally, our therapist is trained to ensure the safety and comfort of both mother and baby throughout the massage, utilizing proper positioning and bolstering techniques. Their compassionate approach fosters a supportive environment where prenatal patients can experience relief, rejuvenation, and a sense of connection with their growing baby.

Benefits of Postpartum Massage Therapy

Postpartum massage therapy offers a myriad of benefits for new mothers as they navigate the physical and emotional changes following childbirth. Firstly, it can aid in the recovery process by alleviating discomforts associated with childbirth, such as sore muscles, tension, and fatigue. Through gentle yet effective techniques, postpartum massage helps to promote relaxation, reduce stress levels, and improve sleep quality, which are crucial for the well-being of both the mother and baby during this transitional period. Additionally, massage therapy can assist in realigning the body, addressing any postural imbalances that may have developed during pregnancy and childbirth. Moreover, the nurturing touch involved in postpartum massage promotes emotional healing and provides a sense of comfort and support during a time of significant adjustment. Overall, postpartum massage therapy offers new mothers a holistic approach to self-care, aiding in physical recovery and promoting overall wellness as they embark on their journey into motherhood.

Improve sleep

Address postural imbalances

Alleviate discomfort

Provide emotional healing

Our massage therapists in Colorado Springs specialize in providing expert postpartum care tailored to the unique needs of new mothers. With a deep understanding of the physical and emotional challenges that accompany childbirth, our therapists offer compassionate and skilled hands-on therapy to promote healing and wellness. They employ gentle yet effective techniques to alleviate postpartum discomforts such as sore muscles, tension, and fatigue, fostering relaxation and reducing stress levels for mothers adjusting to the demands of caring for a newborn. Additionally, our therapists address postural imbalances that may have developed during pregnancy, helping new mothers realign their bodies and regain strength and mobility. With a focus on nurturing touch and personalized care, our massage therapists provide a supportive environment where new mothers can prioritize self-care and embark on their postpartum journey feeling rejuvenated and empowered.

Common FAQ's

Is prenatal massage safe during all stages of pregnancy?

Is prenatal massage safe during all stages of pregnancy?


Yes, prenatal massage is generally safe for most pregnant women throughout all trimesters. However, it's always recommended to consult with your healthcare provider before scheduling a prenatal massage, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or pregnancy complications.

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What are the benefits of prenatal massage therapy?

What are the benefits of prenatal massage therapy? 

Prenatal massage therapy offers numerous benefits, including relief from common pregnancy discomforts such as back pain, swelling, and joint stiffness. It also promotes relaxation, reduces stress levels, improves sleep quality, enhances circulation, and fosters a sense of connection between the mother and her unborn child.

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How is prenatal massage different from regular massage?

How is prenatal massage different from regular massage?


Prenatal massage is specifically tailored to address the unique needs and concerns of expectant mothers. Our therapists are trained in specialized techniques and positioning to ensure the safety and comfort of both mother and baby throughout the massage. Certain areas and pressure points are avoided, and bolstering techniques are utilized to accommodate the changing anatomy of pregnancy.

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When is the best time to schedule a prenatal massage?

When is the best time to schedule a prenatal massage?


Prenatal massage can be beneficial at any stage of pregnancy, but many women find relief from discomfort and stress by scheduling regular sessions starting in the second trimester. However, it's essential to listen to your body and consult with your healthcare provider to determine the most suitable timing for you based on your individual needs and medical history.

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Is it safe to get a massage while breastfeeding?

Is it safe to get a massage while breastfeeding?


Yes, it is generally safe to receive a massage while breastfeeding. However, if you have any concerns or underlying health conditions, it's advisable to consult with your healthcare provider before scheduling a massage.

Will getting a massage affect my milk supply?

Will getting a massage affect my milk supply?


There is no evidence to suggest that receiving a massage will directly impact your milk supply. However, some women may experience temporary changes in milk production due to relaxation or hormonal fluctuations induced by massage. If you have concerns about milk supply, discuss them with your massage therapist beforehand.

Are there any precautions I should take before getting a massage while breastfeeding?

Are there any precautions I should take before getting a massage while breastfeeding?


It's essential to communicate with your massage therapist about your breastfeeding status and any specific concerns you may have. You may want to schedule your massage after breastfeeding or pumping to ensure your breasts are comfortable during the session. Additionally, if you have any areas of discomfort or sensitivity, be sure to inform your therapist to adjust the massage accordingly.

Can I lie face down during a massage if I am breastfeeding?

Can I lie face down during a massage if I am breastfeeding?


Lying face down during a massage may not be comfortable or practical for breastfeeding mothers. However, many massage therapists offer specialized positioning options, such as side-lying or reclined positions, to accommodate breastfeeding women comfortably. Communicate your preferences and comfort level with your therapist to ensure a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

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