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Now Accepting New Patients

Our Care and Therapies

Prenatal Chiropractic Care

We specialize in prenatal chiropractic care. After Dr. Ashley prepared for two unmedicated home births herself, she created Babies & Bellies which is devoted to ensuring mothers have the best pregnancy and birth experience, whichever way they choose! Prenatal chiropractic care has been shown to result in less complications, less back pain, and overall a more comfortable pregnancy.

Pediatric Chiropractic 

As a pediatric chiropractor in Colorado Springs, our doctors have a true passion for taking care of all babies and children. Dr. Ashley has obtained a high certification in pediatric chiropractic care (CACCP) through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), making her well equipped to care for your child from infancy and on.

StemWave Therapy

Without getting too technical, StemWave is an FDA listed medical device that utilizes harmless, yet powerful acoustic waves to activate the body’s natural healing mechanisms. This non-invasive treatment option was designed to help patients dealing with musculoskeletal conditions related to pain and inflammation. Ultimately, the goal of this treatment is to “awaken” dormant cells that are critical for healing – without the need for invasive procedures or medication.

Lactation Consulting

As a chiropractor as well as an IBCLC, Dr. Ashley strives to help mothers and babies achieve successful breastfeeding. She utilizes a variety of methods to help relieve tension, increase comfort and promote successful breastfeeding. Her approach combines chiropractic, soft tissue work, and lactation services to ensure the best possible outcome for mothers and their babies. Read more here.

Flexion/Distraction Therapy 

Flexion-distraction therapy is performed on a segmented table that moves slowly. The movements of the table stretch and decompress your spine, relieving your back, leg, neck, or arm pain. At Babies & Bellies we have advanced technology to offer this therapy right here in the office during your regular adjustment.

Bioenergetic Balancing

Through the latest innovative testing technologies, we can identify energetic sensitivities and stressors in the body to work towards achieving optimal health and wellness. This service is offered nationwide, and consults can be done virtually and in-person. This can also be used on your furry friends! The most popular option for this test is our food sensitivity option. Read more on our 'Bioenergetic Testing' page.

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